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Call for Expression of Interest to experts or firms to support NatuReS Uganda

Kampala Central Business District
Experts or firms can apply to support NatuReS Uganda on different thematic areas by July 15th
Copyright: Vivian Chales


The Natural Resources Stewardship Programme (NatuReS) enables public-private-civil-society partnerships to sustainably manage the natural resources they need for improved livelihoods and continued economic development. NatuReS Uganda is structured around these thematic areas: solid waste management and recycling, urban catchment management, land use and wetland management, water security, integrated urban planning, flood risk management, eco-industrial parks, knowledge and policy support, business development, green growth, and behavioural change.

Having in mind a continuous need for the involvement of experts, GIZ NatuReS invites experts or firms to submit their applications for inclusion in a roster of external experts to support the programme. The expert areas of interest include:

Expert area 1: Knowledge and Policy Support

  • Masters or PhD in Environmental Economics, Development Economics, Urban Development, etc.
  • Minimum 10 years of practical post graduate experience in policy analysis in relation to green growth, integrated urban planning, circular economy, water and environment, among other things.
  • Experience in policy analysis and preparation of policy recommendations to suit  all actors
  • Expertise in economic and cost benefit analyses, costing of interventions, and developing proof of concepts focusing cross most of NatuReS thematic areas.
  • Proven policy dialogue and integrative skills – engaging in policy discussions, integrating divergent viewpoints into coherent strategies, and translating broad policy objectives into concrete development actions.

Expert area 2: Capacity Building and Training

  • Master’s degree in communication, Psychology, Mediation, International Relations and/or development, Sociology, Organizational Development, Development Politics, etc.
  • Minimum 8 years’ experience in facilitation, moderation, and conducting and/or coordinating trainings, workshops, and retreats of small and large groups
  • Proven experience in developing training materials, coaching, and enabling rolling out of tools.

Expertise Area 3: Business Development:

  • Masters or PhD degree in business development, administration or management, etc.
  • Minimum 12 years of experience in supporting private sector business development. Experience in either waste recycling or natural resources is essential
  • Proven expertise in Inclusive Business Practices, Value Chains Development, SME Development, etc.
  • Proven experience in advising businesses and industries at local, regional, and international level

Expert area 4: Urban Catchment Management

  • Masters or PhD in integrated water resources management, civil, water, and/or environmental engineering, hydrology, environmental and/or earth sciences, etc.
  • Minimum 12 years of experience in implementing catchment management plans, source protection plans, and integrated planning for effective management of environment resources, etc.
  • Profound experience and knowledge in promoting ecosystem-based adaptation practises and multi-stakeholder participatory processes to address water and environment risks in urban catchments
  • Proven expertise in designing interventions to support livelihood enhancement and management of urban catchments

Expertise area 5: Urban Flood Risk management

  • Masters or PhD in water security, hydrology or hydro-engineering, flood risk management, water resources engineering, sustainable urban drainage management, or related field
  • Minimum 8 years of experience in integrated urban flood risk management. This includes preparation of flood risk management plans incorporating blue green infrastructure solutions and mainstreaming of green infrastructure solutions in urban flood risk management strategies.
  • Demonstrated technical knowledge and skills in flood risk assessments, mapping and modelling floods at micro scale and application of hydraulic modelling for flood hazard management

Expertise area 6: Land Use and Wetland Management

  • Masters or PhD in land use planning/management, ecosystem/wetland management, etc.
  • Minimum 12 years of experience in developing and implementing wetland management plans, land use plans, or ecosystem management plans in urban settings
  • Expertise in spatial mapping, land-use change analysis, and ecosystem change and analysis
  • Extensive knowledge and experience in wetland management, ecosystem management, sustainable landscape management, and or biodiversity conservation in the context of urban development

Expertise area 7: Solid Waste Management and Recycling

  • Master’s degree in Solid Waste Management, Recycling, Engineering, Pollution Control, or related field
  • Minimum 10 years of experience related to management and operations of solid waste management systems – a focus on recycling of organic waste or plastics is desirable
  • Proven expertise in designing solid waste collection hubs, waste flow models and developing business and financial models and value chains to enhance recycling of plastics and or organic waste
  • Extensive knowledge of waste to wealth solutions and experience advising private sector, development organisations and governments
  • Proven expertise in PPD mechanisms, PPP mechanisms, multi-stakeholder partnerships and platforms including experience in design, facilitation, and operation of PPDs, PPPs and other platforms
  • Proven experience in brokering business deals between private sector and government or DPs.

Expertise area 8: Eco-Industrial Parks

  • Master’s degree in Environmental Systems, Engineering, Pollution Control, or related field
  • Minimum 12 years of experience in any of the following fields: cleaner production and resource use efficiency, green industrial practices, industrial symbiosis, among others.
  • Extensive knowledge of best practices regarding the implementation of eco-industrial park concept
  • Experience in mainstreaming green practices and circular solutions into industrial development policies

Expertise area 9: Behavioural Change

  • Masters or PhD degree in Social Sciences, Development Studies, Community Education, etc.
  • Minimum 15 years of experience in implementing Behavioural Change Programs related to sustainable natural resource use and waste management in urban settings
  • Proven expertise in leading, designing and implementing Behavioural Change Strategies and Campaigns including identifying innovative approaches, measuring change results, developing communication materials, training modules and guidance documents.
  • Proven experience in roll-outing Behavioural Change Campaigns and Interventions and facilitating the uptake of effective Behavioural Change Practices – fostering long-term, normative shifts in behaviour.

Interested experts or firms should submit a one paged cover letter and curriculum vitae to with “NatuReS Expert – Area of Expertise” as subject by 15th July 2021.

For further information call +256 777229945

Disclaimer: This is not a procurement request for services.

Official launch of the NatuReS programme and partnerships in Uganda

The Natural Resources Stewardship (NatuReS) programme Uganda and its Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area PET plastic recycling partnership were officially launched by the European Union, GIZ and the Ugandan Ministry of Water and Environment. On March 24th, 2021, the launch took place as a side event of the Uganda Water and Environment Week 2021 at the Ministry of Water and Environment.

Launch of NatuReS Uganda and presentation of artpiece
EU, GIZ and Ugandan Ministry of Water and Environment officially launched the NatuReS programme in Uganda by signing a commemorative piece of art
Copyright: Ministry of Water and Environment Uganda

During the event, partners and donors gave opening remarks. Among them were the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Water and Environment Alfred Okot Okiidi, the Commissioner Water Resources Planning and Regulation Dr. Callist Tindimugaya, the programme manager for the EU Delegation to Uganda, Jean Baptiste Fauvel, and GIZ Country Director James MacBeth Forbes.

Objectives of the programme

In Uganda, NatuReS focuses on strengthening the inclusive green economy in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area as well as Gulu City. Objectives of the programme are:

  • enabling multi-stakeholder partnerships in solid waste management & circular initiatives, urban flood resilience, wetland management and sustainable eco-industrial parks
  • increasing capacity of public and civil society actors, as well as the private sector, on natural resources stewardship
  • embedding lessons learnt and emerging good policy regarding natural resources stewardship

Multi-stakeholder partnership

The Greater Kampala PET plastic recycling partnership is a multi-stakeholder partnership. Accordingly, partners from private, public sector and civil society are:

  • Uganda Ministry of Water and Environment,
  • National Environment Management Authority (NEMA),
  • Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA),
  • Coca-Cola Beverages Africa,
  • Mukwano Industries Uganda Ltd.,
  • Uganda Water & Juice Manufacturers Association,
  • Global Green Growth Institute.

Together, they strive towards improving the sustainable management of PET plastic waste in and around Kampala by developing an inclusive green recycling sector.

Partnership members during panel discussion during NatuReS launch
Panel dicussion on “Cross-sectoral partnerships as a way forward to water and environment security” attended by the partners of the GKMA PET plastic recycling partnership
Copyright: Ministry of Water and Environment Uganda

During the launch event, a panel discussion on “Cross-sectoral partnerships as a way forward to water and environment security” took place. It was attended by Patience Nsereko (Principal Environment Officer, NEMA), Jude Byansi (Supervisor Waste & Sanitation, KCCA), George Asiimwe (Senior Officer Urbanisation, Global Green Growth Institute), Collins Oloya (Director, Directorate Environment Affairs in the Ministry of Water and Environment), Morgan Bbonna (Secretary, Uganda Water and Juice Manufacturers Association) and Samuel Kangave (Plant Manager, Plastic Recycling Industries).

Handover of tuktuks for waste collection

handover of Tuktuks used for waste collection
Ceremonial handover of tuktuks used for waste collection from the Ministry of Water and Environment to KCCA
Copyright: Ministry of Water and Environment Uganda

A ceremonial handover of 10 tuktuks from the Ministry of Water and Environment to KCCA followed. The vehicles will facilitate waste collection in ten municipalities within the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area. Above all, they will enable efficient and timely collection of waste, hence making sure it can be channelled into the recycling value chain.

An artwork representing NatuReS

In parallel, a visual artist produced a live artwork which donors and partners signed in the end of the event to officially launch the NatuReS programme Uganda and its partnerships.

Man signing an artwork piece on stewardship in Uganda
The Permanent secretary of the Ministry of Water and Environment Uganda Alfred Okot Okiidi signing the artwork to launch the NatuReS programme Uganda
Copyright: Ministry of Water and Environment Uganda

First breakfast meeting between public and private sector during Uganda Water & Environment Week

The NatuReS programme Uganda supported the Uganda Manufacturers’ Association (UMA) in hosting a first breakfast meeting on Friday, the 26th of March 2021, as part of the Uganda Water & Environment Week 2021. This annual weeklong event provides a platform for sector actors and other stakeholders to network, exchange knowledge and build working relationships.  

Coca Cola beverages Africa representative Discussion about natural resources stewardship
Lee Newton from Coca-Cola Beverages Africa contributing to the discussion

The meeting aim was to create a platform of cooperation for the Ministry of Water & Environment and the Ugandan private sector, represented by UMA. Both are interested in fostering a working relationship. Consulting on issues of mutual interest and of relevance for natural resources stewardship will be an important part.  

UMA chairperson presenting green ecnoomy initiatives
Barbara Mulwana, chairperson of UMA, putting forward scenarios of green economy undertaken by private investors in Uganda

High-level decision-makers from the public sector and chief executives from the private sector participated, among which the chairperson of UMA, the Commissioner for Water Resources Planning & Regulation at the Ministry of Water and Environment, the Country CEO of Hima Cement Ltd., representatives from Steel and Tube Industries Ltd., Brittania Allied Industries, and Coca-Cola Beverages Africa. 

Commissioner Water Resources Planning & Regulation
Commissioner for Water Resources Planning & Regulation at the Ministry of Water and Environment, Dr. Callist Tindimugaya, talking at the event

Environmental threats affecting both business operations and the public

Discussions focused on water and environment security in private sector operations. Frequent flash floods threaten e.g. industrial areas, namely Namanve, Ntinda and Bugolobi. They pose both an environmental threat and have a detrimental effect on business operations, as machinery can be damaged or access roads get blocked. For instance, recently employees at Namanve Industrial Park were blocked in their workstations due to floods having swallowed up the outgoing streets. Consequently, factories like Hima Cement Ltd. have embarked on improving drainage systems at their own costs within their boundaries. 

Participants also discussed water pollution, another environmental threat affecting the private sector. For example, Jesa Farm Dairies, Uganda’s leading dairy processing company, extracts water for their operations from the River Mayanja. However, it is increasingly polluted. Therefore, Jesa increased its investments in water treatment to ensure availability of clean water for their operations.

uganda Country Coordinator presenting natural resources stewardship
Mathew Parr, NatuReS Country Coordinator in Uganda, contributing to the discussion during the breakfast meeting

Cooperation is key

The public sector is open to partner  with the private sector in reducing water and environmental risks. During the event, participants long discussed ideas to leverage actions. Among others, they agreed to establish a roadmap for continuous engagement between stakeholders who are affected by and affect water resources and the environment. 

In the end, participants agreed on a follow-up meeting at the Ministry to concretize their ideas. Also, similar meetings between private and public sector are now set to occur annually during Uganda Water & Environment Week.