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Strengthening stewardship to protect Lake Hawassa

Natural Resources Stewardship requires the continuous engagement of stakeholders from all different walks of life. Since its establishment in 2018, Protecting Lake Hawassa Partnership (PLH) brings together stakeholders from the private, the public sector and civil society. PLH aims to safeguard Lake Hawassa’s ecosystem and to ensure sustainable economic growth in Hawassa City and its catchment.

In order to discuss PLH’s long-term strategic direction, monitor undertaken activities and evaluate the partnership’s progress, regular meetings are held. From 10 to 12 March 2021, all partners hence came together for the partnership’s bi-annual steering committee meeting. This represented also the quarterly taskforce meeting on Solid Waste Management and Afforestation and Soil Erosion Control (ASEC).

Stewardship meeting on protecting Lake Hawassa
4th PLH steering committee meeting.
Copyright: NatuReS Ethiopia

During the meeting, Professor Mulugeta from Hawassa University gave an update on the ecohydrological approach to soil erosion control the partnership has embarked on. This approach, introduced by Hawassa University with the support of GIZ-NatuReS, aims to transform gullies back into productive land.

Presentation to protect Lake Hawassa
Prof. Mulugeta presenting the ecohydrological approach to soil erosion control.
Copyright: NatuReS Ethiopia

The ecohydrological approach consists in using natural materials and slim structures for soil erosion control which do not impede farming practices. This makes it a preferable alternative to the conventional method of stone and iron gabions. The approach gained a lot of support from local farmers, many of whom are showing interest to apply similar interventions on their land. Learning from the good experience, the ecohydrological approach has also been adopted by a neighboring district.

People working on soil erosion control to protect Lake Hawassa
Farmers implementing the ecohydrological approach to soil erosion control on their farm.
Copyright: NatuReS Ethiopia

The active participation of the task force members plays an important role in building a strong partnership. The meeting concluded with the participants’ agreement to further strengthen PLH through continued commitment, collaboration and communication.

Improving WASH service in Hawassa city

“Wash your hands” has become one of the most used phrases during the current Covid-19 pandemic. The importance of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) to reduce the risk of infectious diseases has become a well-established fact and is even more emphasized since the outbreak of the pandemic.

However, access to potable water is a long-standing challenge for the city of Hawassa with its more than 300.000 inhabitants in central Ethiopia. To improve access to WASH services and minimize the risk of a Covid-19 infection, NatuReS and PVH supported the Hawassa Water Supply and Sewerage Service Enterprise (HWSSSE) with two submersible, one surface pump and corresponding accessories worth approx. 85.000 euros.

Representatives of NatuReS and PVH handing over the water pumps to HWSSSE Copyright: NatuReS Ethiopia
Representatives of NatuReS and PVH handing over the water pumps to HWSSSE
Copyright: NatuReS Ethiopia

A ceremony to hand over the equipment was held on February 10th, 2021, attended by high government officials, including Dr. Beshah Behailu, Commissioner at the Water Development Commission, and Prof. Tsegaye Tuke, Deputy Mayor of Hawassa City. Representatives from Sidama regional government as well as from different media were present.

NatuReS country coordinator in Ethiopia James Njeru explaining the different activities to improve water access undertaken in the area Copyright: NatuReS Ethiopia
NatuReS country coordinator in Ethiopia James Njeru explaining the different activities to improve water access undertaken in the area
Copyright: NatuReS Ethiopia

During the ceremony, several representatives underlined the importance of NatuReS’ and PVH’s support to improve water access in Hawassa city. The city administration moreover pledged to provide additional resources to ensure the operationality and maintenance of the pumps in the future. The pumps will improve water supply service for about 81,000 residents of Hawassa City. 

Site visit to boreholes that will supply residents of Hawassa with potable water due to operation of the pumps Copyright: NatuReS Ethiopia
Site visit to boreholes that will supply residents of Hawassa with potable water due to operation of the pumps
Copyright: NatuReS Ethiopia

Launch of Industrial Wastewater Management Guidelines

Tanzania has recently achieved the status of a low middle-income country. The creation of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Export Processing Zones (EPZs) under the surveillance of the Export Process Zone Authority (EPZA) are considered key in the National Development Plan.

The EPZA Director of Investment Promotion and Facilitation Mr. James Maziku with GIZ-NatuReS Tanzania Country Coordinator Mr. Fridtjof Behnsen during the launch of the guidelines.
Copyright: GIZ

Wastewater from any manufacturing process is discharged back into the environment. Untreated discharge harms the ecosystem and the people using it. It also has a negative effect on foreign investments, as industries often adhere to strict environmental compliance.

NatuReS has been collaborating with EPZA to improve water security and increase attraction of the zones to investors. Under the collaboration, EPZA partnered with three other main governing bodies in regulating industrial wastewater discharge. Their goal is to develop industrial wastewater management guidelines for SEZs. Other regulators include the Basin Water Boards (BWBs), Water Supply and Sanitation Authorities (WSSA), and the National Environment Management Council (NEMC) as the highest authority to safeguard overall environmental compliance.

“We have come up with these specific guidelines that will ensure, wastewater from the zones that we are managing will cause no harm to people and environment; industries will get water at the desired quality and with no negative impacts to the surrounding communities,” said Mr. Lamau Mpolo, Director of Planning and Development at EPZA, after the launch on 18 December 2020 in an interview with Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC).

While the guidelines will cover all Export Processing Zones, they will also be distributed to other stakeholders, including district councils for efficient wastewater management, according to Mr. Mpolo.

Tanzania - The frontpage of the guidelines document
Tanzania – The frontpage of the guidelines document
Copyright: GIZ

Community awareness and education campaigns in the Nelson Mandela Bay City region

The impact of COVID-19 in South Africa has been particularly dire. One region that has been significantly affected by the pandemic is the Nelson Mandela Bay City region in the Eastern Cape.

The impact on economic development, health, and community life across the city has been unprecedented, and has worsened hardships faced by already vulnerable communities. This led to an urgent call for collaborative responses by private, public and community stakeholders.

A community education workshop educating participants about the virus and its dangers. Due to lockdown regulations, restrictions on gatherings are in place; participant numbers have to be kept to a minimum with social distancing observed at all times.
Copyright: Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber

To support the efforts, NatuReS South Africa partnered with the Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber (NMBBC) under the umbrella of the “Nelson Mandela Bay Stewardship Partnership Initiative”. They launched various awareness campaigns that promote behavioural change at a community level. This includes implementing education programmes for schools and communities, and community-based healthcare facilities on good Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) principles, especially hand washing and social distancing behaviour.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) and water was distributed to vulnerable communities.

For vulnerable communities and schools:

– 1158 Surgical Masks
– 814 5-litre bottles of sanitiser
– 4883 5-litre bottles of water

For healthcare facilities:

– 42 boxes of gloves
– 1483 gowns

Additionally, community engagement workshops as well as media-, radio- and poster campaigns in local languages took place. An extensive school PPE and COVID-19 awareness campaign is currently being developed to ensure safe reopening of schools. Further measures include educating community healthcare workers on safe waste disposal of used COVID-19 testing kits at local clinics. Through the Chamber’s leading role, these actions directly feed into the Nelson Mandela Bay City Command Council’s emergency response to COVID-19.

Bottled water and sanitisers ready to be handed out in communities, healthcare facilities and schools
Copyright: Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber
One of the media advertising campaign posters
Copyright: Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber