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Empowering Young Learners: The Success of the Young WASH Voice Campaign and WASH Hackathon in Lusaka 

Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) are fundamental elements of sustainable development and are critical for the health and well-being of individuals and communities. However, many children, teachers, and pupils still face challenges related to inadequate WASH facilities in their schools and communities. The lack of safe water, adequate sanitation, and hygiene facilities leads to poor health, absenteeism, and a compromised learning environment.

The Centre for Water, Sanitation and Rehabilitation (WASAReC) and the Chevening Alumni Association of Zambia (CAAZ) organized a WASH hackathon competition on 24th February 2023. The participating schools are part of the Green Schools Partnership Program (GSPP), an initiative implemented under the  Lusaka Water Security Initiative and supported by GIZ’s Natural Resources Stewardship (NatuReS) Programme. 

The hackathon was the culmination of the Young WASH Voice Campaign (YWVC), which aimed to build capacity in school-going children aged 10 to 17 years in climate-resilient WASH governance and to provide these young learners with a platform to identify and suggest WASH solutions in their schools and communities.  

Empowering Pupils to Contribute to WASH Solutions in Their Schools 

The campaign recruited 120 pupils from four schools in Lusaka: Chakunkula Combined School, Foxdale Secondary School, Mumana Primary School, and New Ng’ombe Primary School. Before the start of the hackathon, the participants attended guest lectures on climate-resilient and inclusive WASH in schools and communities for four weeks. This was followed by eight weeks of mentoring learners in the problem ideation process and public speaking to support them in identifying WASH problems and their sustainable solutions. Through this process, the learners also got prepared to communicate their ideas to different audiences effectively.  

Learning and problem identification focused on four thematic areas:  

  1. Inclusive sanitation and solid waste management  
  1. Menstrual hygiene management, hygiene promotion, and water security  
  1. Development of a school WASH Handbook covering these topics, games, and the WASH alphabet  
  1. Other materials developed included the WASH Hackathon Workbook, the Hackathon Process pamphlet, and posters.  

Empowering Change: The Key Results and Achievements of the WASH Hackathon 

The learners and teachers were pleased with the training received and had a chance to participate in the hackathon actively. With the lectures and mentorship, the pupils were able to identify their challenges and gain knowledge on WASH stewardship. The campaign equipped 120 learners with climate-resilient and inclusive WASH knowledge to become champions of change in their schools and communities.  

The outcome of the hackathon was the identification of several WASH challenges in each of the four schools. These included the lack of menstrual hygiene management facilities, water shortages in the dry season, unsafe toilets shared between older learners and pre-schoolers, vandalism of water facilities, and poor solid waste management in schools and communities.  

The hackathon provided an opportunity for learners to actively participate in identifying WASH challenges in their schools and communities and propose sustainable solutions. The documented priority challenges that the learners perceived can serve as a reference for WASH implementers when considering supporting schools in improving WASH service access and stewardship.  

Moreover, the hackathon achieved some results in addressing the identified challenges. Some schools received support to increase water storage capacity to mitigate water shortages, especially during the dry season. Additionally, some schools received support to run water quality tests and received chlorine donations to improve access to safe drinking water.  

The documented challenges can inform WASH implementers in their efforts to improve WASH service access and stewardship in schools and communities.  

Summary of the Achievements:  

  1. 120 learners equipped with climate-resilient and inclusive WASH knowledge for them to save as champions of change in their schools and communities.  
  2. Documented priority challenges as perceived by learners (service users) that WASH implementers can reference as they consider supporting schools in improving WASH service access and stewardship.   
  3. Some schools have already received support to increase water storage capacity to mitigate on water shortages in the school, especially during the dry season.   
  4. Some schools have been supported to run water quality tests and received chlorine donations to improve access to safe drinking water in the school.   

 Feedback from Teachers and Pupils: 

“The way we have been trained is good, but you should also train us in basic skills like how to fix a tap. Also, give sensitizations to all pupils on water security and how to take care of the water facilities so that there is no more vandalism.” Grade 10 pupil, Foxdale Secondary School.  
“I am confident that through this campaign, our learners are prepared to be the young WASH champions in their respective schools and communities. They will be able to champion good practices and be able to speak to be heard on WASH matters.” – Lusaka District Education Board Secretary (DEBS).  

Importance of Partnership: Achieving Significant Results in a Resource-Constrained Environment 

As the Mayor of Lusaka, Her Honour Ms. Chilando Chitangala noted, “Such programs are very good, as they engage children in important matters while they are young. I therefore urge the schools through the District Education Board Secretary to create WASH Clubs where this knowledge gained today may continue to be built up.” The success of the WASH hackathon and YWVC can be attributed to the collaboration and engagement of various partners who supported the initiative financially and by providing the necessary human resources and logistics. This partnership demonstrated the importance of coordination and collaboration, where each partner brought their strengths to the table, to achieve significant results even in a resource-constrained environment. 

Follow-up Activities: Strengthening WASH Provision in Schools and Communities 

The team behind the YWVC and WASH hackathon is already planning a follow-up event where participating schools will implement their suggested solutions. This event will provide an excellent opportunity to continue building on the knowledge gained during the Young WASH Voice Campaign and to further strengthen the partnership between various organizations involved in WASH provision. The team is looking for partners to sponsor this event. 

In conclusion, the WASH hackathon competition and the Young WASH Voice Campaign were highly successful in empowering young learners and building their capacity in climate-resilient WASH governance. The pupils were able to identify their WASH-related challenges and propose feasible solutions, demonstrating the importance of engaging children in important matters while they are young. The success of this initiative can be attributed to the collaboration and engagement of various partners, highlighting the importance of partnerships in achieving significant results even in a resource-constrained environment. 

Reviving Lake Hawassa’s Ecosystem: The Partnership’s Efforts to Combat Land Degradation

The Threat to Lake Hawassa’s Ecosystem

Ethiopian Lake Hawassa is a beautiful body of water surrounded by lush vegetation and wildlife. The lake serves as a critical source of livelihood for local communities, providing fish, irrigation water, and employment in tourisms for the surrounding areas. Unfortunately, the ecosystem of the lake has been under threat for years due to increased sedimentation, nutrient pollution, and waste accumulation. 

Protecting the ecosystem of Lake Hawassa requires collective action from different sectors. One major activity of the Protecting Lake Hawassa Partnership is planting trees to reduce soil erosion and restore the ecosystems in the catchment. Currently, 1.5 million tree seedlings of different local varieties are being raised in nurseries, and in the next three months, these will accompany the one million trees already planted under the partnership. 

Figure 1 and 2 show a tree nursery growing seven different types of trees for afforestation in the Lake Hawassa catchment. Copyright at GIZ / Hanno Führen

Planting Trees and Building Barriers: The Efforts of the Protecting Lake Hawassa Partnership

The harsh climate conditions and increasing periods of drought in the region call for a mix of drought-resistant trees, shrubs, and physical structures to reverse land degradation within the Lake Hawassa catchment. The Protecting Lake Hawassa Partnership is working towards this goal by planting trees and erecting physical barriers based on ecohydrology principles designed in collaboration with the local University of Hawassa. 

Reversing Land Degradation: The Success of Collaborative Action

One success story of the partnership is the increasing vegetation cover of a previously completely bare gully that drains into the lake. The partnership has demonstrated that it is possible to reverse even significant land degradation by joining forces and taking action. However, reforestation techniques must always respond to the local needs and conditions. 

Working with Local Communities: The Partnership’s Approach to Restoration

The partnership is working with farming communities upstream to restore bare and degraded landscapes by combining the construction of ditches to collect runoff rainwater with the planting of trees. Additionally, the community ensures that no livestock enters the protected area, allowing grass to grow and support the micro-climate needed for the trees to thrive. 

Protecting the ecosystem of Lake Hawassa is an ongoing effort that requires the involvement of multiple sectors and individuals. The progress made so far by the Protecting Lake Hawassa Partnership is a testament to what can be achieved through collective action and collaboration. By planting trees, erecting physical barriers, and working with local communities, the partnership is taking steps towards reversing the land degradation and preserving the ecosystem of the lake. 

A Call to Action: Protecting Lake Hawassa for Future Generations

It is inspiring to see what can be accomplished when different sectors come together to work towards a common goal. The Protecting Lake Hawassa Partnership is setting an example for others to follow in protecting the environment and securing a sustainable future for all. 

These pictures show the protection and afforestation of communal lands on the upper catchment of Lake Hawassa, with infiltration ditches and tree planting along the contour lines. Copyright at GIZ/Hanno Führen

A New Impetus for Water Stewardship: The Evolution and Governance of LuWSI’s Multistakeholder Partnership

The LuWSI Case Study Workshop

Collaborating for Change: The Organizational Structure of LuWSI

LuWSI is a multistakeholder collaboration platform that brings together public sector, private sector, civil society, and development organizations to work towards achieving water security for the residents and businesses of Lusaka. The partnership engages in dialogue, leadership, analysis, knowledge generation, advocacy, and awareness-raising to plan and develop projects for a healthy and prosperous city of Lusaka.

Official Launch and MoU Signing Ceremony of the Lusaka Water Security Initiative

Growing Together: The Evolution and Governance of LuWSI’s Multistakeholder Partnership

With support from GIZ’s International Water Stewardship Programme (now NatuReS) in 2016, LuWSI has grown from 16 to over 33 partners who collaborate through the platform. LuWSI partners are bound by an MOU signed by the leadership of each organization. The partnership is governed by a Steering Board responsible for overall decision-making. The Technical Committees are responsible for knowledge, advocacy, projects, collaboration, resourcing, and membership. LuWSI’s administrative body is the secretariat, which coordinates the day-to-day affairs of the partnership. The secretariat has two full-time staff and has been housed at the National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO) since 2018, one of the founding partners of LuWSI.

Importance of Formalizing the Partnership

LuWSI is a novel multistakeholder partnership for natural resources stewardship in Lusaka. Formalization is vital for its functionality and sustainability. It establishes the partnership as a legal entity, inspiring confidence and conferring legitimacy. Formalization also enables the partnership to manage funds and provide job security for its employees.

Voices of Water Stewardship: LuWSI Partners Share Their Perspectives

The Journey Towards Formalization

In 2017, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) supported a study to assess various options for formalizing the LuWSI partnership. The study evaluated formalization as a trust, a private company limited by shares, a private company limited by guarantee, an association, a non-governmental organization, and a water users association. After careful evaluation, the most viable option was to legalize the partnership as a company limited by guarantee. However, private sector companies and government institutions expressed skepticism, as it was not yet clear what the legal and administrative implications were for each organization that had joined the partnership at that time.

The partnership initially postponed the decision until 2021. In that year, the National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO), Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company (LWSC), Zambian Breweries (ZB), and Coca-Cola Beverages Zambia (CCBZ) renewed their efforts to formalize the partnership. These institutions conducted a detailed legal analysis with implications, which alleviated concerns about formalizing the partnership as a company limited by guarantee. This option was deemed the most suitable for LuWSI, as it would enable the partnership to subsist as a well-defined independent legal entity that operates in the best interests of its objectives. It entails stringent fiduciary reporting requirements that are beneficial for accountability, is tax exempt, allows for ease of entry and exit of new members without property transfer, and is not affected by changes in membership, guarantors, and directors. The LuWSI Steering Board reached consensus on this option, and the LuWSI secretariat began registration formalities, resulting in the formalization of the partnership in December 2022.

What Next?

With this new impetus and momentum, the partnership is actively seeking to increase resource mobilization to ensure the functionality of the secretariat and effective coordination of stakeholder engagements and projects. A Partnership wide workshop is scheduled for May 2023 to discuss the prioritisation of activities for the year and resourcing strategies.

Author: Sonile Mutafya, NatuReS Advisor Zambia

The Kampala Lake Victoria Clean-up & Circular Economy Project

Providing hope for the future of Lake Victoria’s ecosystem and economic potential

Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa, is of tremendous importance to the ecosystem and the population in Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area, providing water for both domestic and industrial use.

Lake Victoria
Copyright: GIZ/Jesper Anhede
Lake Victoria is Africa’s largest freshwater lake.

However, plastic waste pollution has become a significant problem in the region. This pollution affects the lake’s biodiversity, water quality, and the availability of fish. Promoting recycling and waste reduction, as well as implementing effective waste management systems, are necessary measures to address plastic waste pollution in Lake Victoria.

Plastic pollution lake Victoria
Copyright: GIZ
Lake Victoria and its surroundings are increasingly polluted, particularly with plastic waste.

Cleaning up Lake Victoria

To address the urgent need to sustain the ecosystem and economic benefits of Lake Victoria, the Greater Kampala Plastic Recycling Partnership, accompanied by the GIZ-Natural Resources Stewardship Programme (NatuReS), is supporting the Kampala Lake Victoria Clean-up & Circular Economy (KVCC) Project. The overall objective of the partnership is to improve the sustainable management of plastic waste in Greater Kampala through developing an inclusive green recycling sector.

The KVCC project contributes to both removing litter from two heavily polluted bays, namely Murchison and Nakiwogo Bays in Lake Victoria, as well as tributaries such as the Nakivubo channel in the urban area of Kampala.

Copyright: Uganda Junior Rangers
The Kampala Lake Victoria Clean-up & Circular Economy (KVCC) Project in action.

Implementing this project are the NGO One-Earth-One-Ocean (OEOO), which specialises in marine litter prevention and removal, and the Uganda Junior Rangers (UJR), a local environmental conservation non-profit organization that promotes a culture of environmental and heritage stewardship through volunteer and educational opportunities.

By removing waste from the lake and its tributaries, the project aims to prevent further damage to the lake ecosystem and ensure its economic sustainability. The KVCC project also seeks to promote plastic waste recycling and encourage the development of efficient local resource recycle systems that enables the re-introduction of plastic waste into the economy, adding value to waste and providing a source of income to the local communities around the lake.

120 tons of waste collected from Lake Victoria

As a result of the lake clean-ups under the KVCC Project, 120 tons of waste have been collected from in and around the lake by local volunteers. The NGOs have also constructed a catamaran, equipped with nets to collect the floating plastic waste on the lake, under the project.

Copyright: Uganda Junior Rangers
Before (above) and after a cleanup activity in and along a Lake Victoria water Channel.

Strengthening and development of efficient circular economy systems

Aside from collecting plastic waste, one of the project priorities is to support and strengthen the development of local recycling in the lake’s surrounding communities. Sorting zones known as base camps were established as part of the project to enable the sorting, cleaning, and transportation of collected plastic waste for further processing. To aid in the development of an efficient recycling system, the project ensured that the local community partner received two TukTuks for waste transportation, a catamaran for waste collection on the water, and a compactor with a matching generator for waste compression. The goal is to increase their capacity to earn from the plastic recycling value chain while also demonstrating responsibility for the management of the lake’s natural resources.

Recycling Uganda
Copyright: UJR
Collected plastic waste loaded on Tuks Tuks to be transported for further processing.

Creating awareness for sustainability among the local population

Additionally, to pursue a long-term mindset change that allows for the control of plastic pollution and the societal adoption of the circular economy concept, it is critical to raise awareness for recycling and enable the appreciation of waste as a potential source of income for local communities. Communities, including fishermen, have gained knowledge about plastic waste management as a result of the project.

Fishermen Community
Copyright: UJR
A fishermen community group after training on fishing gear pollution.

Furthermore, environmental education campaigns have been carried out in schools under the project. Partners have established an educational program to ensure that pupils learn more about waste disposal and, as a result, become good environmental stewards. The project recognizes that to stimulate long-lasting change, special attention must be paid to developing young people’s mindsets.

School environmental campaign
Copyright: UJR
Pupils during an education session on waste handling.

One Earth One Ocean and the Uganda Junior Rangers have demonstrated which significant impact could be achieved if cleaning up the lake was prioritized and pilot activities under the KVCC project were upscaled. NatuReS aims to support impactful interventions that create long-term ecosystem and economic resilience through supporting partnerships for natural resource management, increasing knowledge, and institutionalizing good practices such as those demonstrated by cleaning up Lake Victoria.